Saturday, April 5, 2014


Spring has sprung, and I couldn't be happier. Even here in usually-sunny central Texas, this winter was the worst I can remember in many, many years. It's seemed that the cold and ice and rain would never end and we'd all be forever trapped under layers of scarves and coats, dreaming of sunny days. But the world keeps on turnin' and the seasons cannot but turn with it.

Since the sun has emerged from behind the clouds, I have spent a ton of time on the bike. Recreational, utility, commuting, and joyriding - I'm doing it all. My favorite ride recently has been from up here in Winterfell (North Austin) all the way down to south of the river to hang out with friends, lounge in a hammock, and drink a slightly excessive number of beers before happily catching the bus home.

So, folks. I call you to take a bike ride somewhere lovely:

Make some new friends!

And maybe make some new memories (and take some terrible pictures) with some old friends while you're at it.

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