Monday, March 11, 2013

Silly bits of fun, or how Annie got her Mojo back

I've had my new tires less than a week but already I'm going for rides.  In a year of puppy-raising and new-relationship development, my cycling had tapered.  Truthfully, I think I was due for a break but between my new tires and the change of the seasons I'm taking lots of fun, silly little rides.

While the past-me that rode for 4 hours at a time on her Cannondale is having a laugh, current-me is shocked at how much of my biking mojo evaporated in the 2 months it took me to get new tires.  Yesterday I took a 5 mile jaunt around my neighborhood, just for the pleasure of the breeze in my hair. The bike and I went to the park and shared a bottle of water on a bench, then leisurely pedaled home, taking every gravel path on the way back to the house.

And as short and silly as a 5 mile ride to the park is, it makes me happy to just take it easy.  My biking life has partially been defined by always doing something new or better than last time.  Beating my best time downtown, my longest ride, the hottest or coldest weather, the steepest climb and my fastest time to work.  So taking a brief pleasure cruise is a welcome respite from my self-imposed seriousness.  It makes biking truly just for the fun of it.  It's honestly the most "YAY BIKES!" thing I've done in a while.

So here's to silly things and doing them just for fun.

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